Setting Training Goals. How. When. Why.
Why are you training?
The one key factor in training is your WHY. What’s the point? What are your training goals? What outcome do you want to see from training? What do you want to achieve?
And, how does your nutrition meet your training goals so that you are actually performing optimally?
Understanding your Macros to achieve your Health & Fitness Goals
For some of us, understanding how to incorporate macronutrients (macros) into our diet is important so that we can work towards achieving our fitness goal, make better food choices and for recovery in between training sessions.
3 Steps To Meal Planning Success
Here’s a scenario I want you to think about: You spend the working week eating ‘clean’ and training hard. Perhaps you even get a good 5 x HIIT sessions in this week. But here comes the weekend… 😬
Webinar: 3 Ways to Meal Plan to Achieve your Fitness Goal
Years back, when I was in the corporate world, I was confused as to where to start to meal plan so that I was seeing gains from my fitness routine! I was consumed with deadlines and little time for family or social events. It was frustrating!
I’ll show you a better way to achieve your fitness goal in 2022 and it doesn’t involve restriction, overtraining, fad diets or cooking your own meals 100% of the time.
Pre-Training Nutrition - My interview with the Wellbeing Portal.
Caffeine = Increased Performance?
Pre-Training Nutrition. Yes or No?
What is Pre-Training Nutrition?
Depending on the duration and intensity of the exercise , pre-training nutrition may be beneficial to a person’s training goals by way of increased endurance, strength and performance.
Whether exercise is a HIIT session, cycling, yoga or running, all these forms require energy. Therefore, fuelling beforehand may be a good option for you depending on what you eat, when you eat, and how much.