6 Tips to keep your Wellbeing on track during the Holiday Season
What do you think your chances are of not gaining a little extra holiday weight this year?
A well-known published study in The New England Journal of Medicine suggests that adults gain at least half a kilo over the course of one year, and the holiday season is responsible for 50% of those kilograms gained. The extra weight is rarely lost creating a compound effect over time. Even those who are actively trying to lose weight, still manage to gain at least 0.3 kilograms over the holidays.
Does this resonate?
Those who work with me know that my work focuses on helping you get a routine in place that ensures your health and fitness goals are achieved. Maintaining a healthier mind and body today.
The added bonus is avoiding gaining excess kilograms which will leave you feeling unmotivated and fatigued and instead going fresh and strong into the new year.
Here are 6 tips to help you keep on track with your wellbeing over the holiday season:
Eat consistent, small meals throughout the day, with a focus on predominantly vegetarian options that include approximately 20g protein and 10g fiber per meal (where possible). These meals increase the secretion of hormones that keep you full and satisfied for longer periods. Here are some high protein vegetarian recipes. Eat slowly by chewing your food and waiting 20 minutes before you think you need seconds.
Build your Healthy Plate . Aim to stick to one serving or 1 small plate and leave room for dessert. Here’s a short video on how to build your Healthy Plate. Want desert? You’ll find some healthier desert options here.
Eat before heading to a function to avoid overeating while you’re there. This can be a snack or early dinner. I write regularly around the immense benefits of mindful eating and you can view more articles on this exact topic on the blog.
Review restaurant menus before attending. Pick what you'll eat beforehand to avoid confusion or indecision at the time.
Keep hydrated. Often, we confuse hunger for thirst because we haven’t had enough water throughout the day. Considering our bodies are made up of 60% water, it makes sense to fill up! This also means limiting alcohol where possible. Pick the days where you know you will want to indulge and limit the amount at each function knowing that alcohol dehydrates you and decreases your awareness of when you are feeling full, so you are far more likely to overeat.
Exercise. Regardless of what you choose to do for movement, do it regularly and consistently. The focus with movement during the holiday season doesn’t need to be about reaching your personal best, or working off last night’s drinks, it just needs to be enough that you feel positive and energised for the day ahead so that you’re enjoying your time off.
Your wellbeing during the holiday season is key. It is the reason why you may have chosen to take time off and prioritise self-care. A combination of all the above will support your health goals, however focusing on just two of these tips to start is key! You can then build from there.
With only a few more days until the new year, where do you want to be in terms of better health?
Will you get to it someday or today? Let's do this together. Book a call with me now and let's see if we can get you healthy for the new year.
Happy Holidays!